I've learned I have to say all of this is "alleged"

I have been following this Cody Foster & Co fiasco for 3 years. In 3 years a few eye have batted at the situation and I've heard of a few small, independent companies no longer buying from CF&Co (thank you ModCloth). This year, a rather well known artist on the handmade scene spoke out against them and is getting shredded for it without anyone knowing the full story.

This is one of the reasons artists don't come forward with infringement. Who among us is strong enough to be raked through the mud? Plus, how often do we blame the victim?

At the risk of making 4 of my 5 readers mad, I came up with a metaphor: There was a steak in the dog pit when someone threw in a squirrel. We could band together and get some real changes in place, or run after the next exciting thing. Major companies were listening!! Change was happening!! But now the focus has shifted. I have had a sinking feeling in my gut for weeks, the spin, well, it spun us. Are we, the designers, going to shrug our shoulders and simply accept, “It's an industrywide issue.” Oh! So everything is fine...Carry on then.

I remember I was in 5th grade when I first heard the ol', "Well, if so-and-so jumped off a cliff, would you?" Industry-wide issue means someone has to stand up and say they won't jump. AmIRight??

Back to my 3 years of personal outrage and research. I haven't devoted myself to this full-time. I've researched here and there over the course of 3 years. It's been a casual process and I've found over 60 questionable similarities. 

Those similarities have been hazed over by juicy, gossipy, hearsay. There are a lot of questions that can't be answered right now, and waiting til settlements are made means at least one blogger who has gained an inordinate amount of popularity thanks to the metaphorical squirrel wouldn't have cleaned up so nicely in the "credibility" department.Doesn't sound like much of a pay off, but when you're a blogger, traffic equals money.

If I've learned anything this go round, I've learned far more about copyright than I ever knew, and I thought I knew a great deal. The complexity of the subject is far more nuanced than I ever expected. I've learned people will say they're well researched without full investigation.

I've learned I have to say all of this is alleged, even though I know the following:

In December of 2007 I sold an item to etsy user Alchemy. Alchemy bought over 500 items in under 3 months. Alchemy has several hundred favorite stores and just under 200 favorite items. Another etsy seller brought to my attention that a one-of-a-kind item she'd made was bought by the same etsy user. That one of a kind item ended up in the Cody Foster & Co. catalog.

Many artists have found their one-of-a-kind creation's doppelgänger in the Cody Foster & Co. catalog, twins to items they sold to Alchemy. I don't think they use the etsy account Alchemy any longer, but it's hard to know since you can no longer see items bought on the site. More recently, it seems, some of the designs in question were simply found on flickr. None of your little nooks of sharing on the internet are safe from design sourcing, it seems.

Etsy user Alchemy is named Andrea Foster Andre. The address where those items were shipped? Backporch Friends, former business name for Cody Foster & Co.

All that said, you're welcome to draw your own conclusions though unless you want to share your IP, you probably shouldn't post what you draw on the internet.

Eerie Similarities cont'd

Oops, where did I go?? I've been sucked into Cody  Foster & Co. land. Seeing examples of online friends' work and their uncanny resemblances; it's a very strange, Patty Duke like world out there.

I'm not sure there's an end in sight to finding comparisons and the breadth and depth of similarities is nothing short of astonishing.

Several years ago, their catalog was probably not much more than 20 pages or so. Fast forward 6 years and the catalog is closer to 200 pages. How does a 15 person company (which I assume includes warehouse workers, management, import coordinators, and the design department among others) create unique, prolific design at that pace? Does it matter? Cody Foster & Co. makes millions annually, the same cannot be said for the artists who have found eerie similarities between their work and the products filling the pages of the Cody Foster catalog.

4 years of shameful behavior

Lisa Congdon

Cody Foster is still going strong (2010; 2011, 2012), allegedly (as it hasn't been proven in court) selling designs not theirs as their own. Check out yesterday's post on Jezebel on the subject. In the past, retailers  Jayson Home and Garden, Leif Shop, Madewell, and countless independent retailers have carried their wares. This year, after a cursory internet search, Fab, Nordstrom, and Terrain have their wares in stock. Doubtless, other shops will soon have Cody Foster ornaments in stock since their catalog is mostly seasonal items.

Let the retailers know that selling Cody Foster degrades their brand and compromises their corporate integrity.

Let these artists know you stand behind their originality:  Abigail Brown, Cassandra Smith, Kissa Designs, Lisa Congdon, Macon & Lesquoy, and Mimi Kirchner.

Abigail Brown
Cassandra Smith
Kissa Designs
Macon & Lesquoy
Mimi Kirchner
Abigail's Story

Lisa's Story
Jezebel Article
Yahoo Shine article

Thank you West Elm, Orange and Pear, and Fab for no longer carrying Cody Foster wares! Seems Fred Flare and ModCloth severed ties years ago when suspicions first arose.

High Society

In all my pondering, wishy washy back and forthing, I've decided to upload old favorite prints to Society6. I mean I miss them, so there's that. This way I don't do all the printing, and Society6 even offers larger sizes than I can! I'm actually tempted to order a few ID posters in the XL size just so I can see how they look!

I don't have everything up yet, but I do have a few, and will add more as I find time (which is infrequent...) Right now, through October 23, Society6 is offering free shipping for my wares.  Keep an eye out. I might even break out the really old stuff!