Long time, no post

okay, that was probably the most generic title for a post yet.
After I vowed to not be married until marriage regained the meaning of love, rather than validating heterosexuality and reinforcing abused spouses to stay in bad marriages for the monetary benefits.

But. .. I did it. Charlie and I went up to Toronto this past weekend and legalized our love for one another. While the paper is not something that is important to me, the action and ceremony of telling one another publicly was incredible and beautiful; a moment so exciting i can't even describe it.
We had great friends around (2 YGGers and the most amazing officiant, Gord Kushner, and his wife) who supported and celebrated with us.

Down here things are changing on a daily basis, but the stressful part is over and now it should be fun.

And I can get back to making art and gardening. . . daydreaming of those days to come!