Free Soil Artists for Beyond Green utilizes the world wide web to educate users about the environmental impact of the fresh produce industry through cheerful graphics, friendly web design and interactive wells of knowledge. At first glance, their animated leader of activism appears to be something straight out of Hello Kitty's universe, but scroll over the page and realize this seedling isn't promoting plastic. The site explores issues such as fuel cost and pollution for shipping produce, as well as solutions to inform users of the environmental cost of food production as it is currently set up.
Do a little bit of digital digging, the Internet certainly presents some amazing accounts of food production and its subsequent impact on the earth. For an even greater impetus to garden organically, check out Free Soil's stories then hop on over to The Earthday Network, where you can trace your environmental footprint.
Exhausted by all the activity, but excited to start slinging some dirt? Go low-impact and play The Flower Garden Game, a Sudoku-like challenge for those busy dreaming about change, but stuck in front of a computer 40 hours a week.