Subliminal Design Standards

Its funny how all these ideas and standards of design snuck into my life. I guess when you have a father who is an architect and a mother who is an artist, aesthetics come naturally. Not that I really have refined tastes or anything. Take this Kaj Franck bowl, for instance. This is a picture I stumbled across on eBay. Just a couple days ago I was sipping coffee out of a Kaj Franck mug I was given for Valentine's day from my parents when I was probably 10 years old.
I remember the day the Eames chair arrived and the Natuzzi sofa, the Eileen Gray tables, Barcelona Chairs. . . you get the drift. I'm not a chrome and leather gal, I might be if I had a couple thousand to spend on a chair. But I do care about design and integrity, so as we build our home together I would like to hone my tastes a bit. The first item of business: a china hutch. There is something so grand about having a china hutch, a place to store the things we want to keep precious. Our dinner plates, gorgeous vases, and all the wonderful, nostalgic pieces collected through the years. And here it is. I found it on eBay, won it for a hundred bucks, and we're off to pick it up on Sunday.
Then next week, while Charlie is off working, I'm going to have a bit of my own "While You Were Out." I ordered a couple of West Elm pieces, drastically on sale, that will match my bentwood Crate and Barrel chairs perfectly. It is ending up being quite a black, white, and neutrals room. The funk will have to be added later, this time I'll aim for more discriminating funk than that of the ADD kitchen!