I know, I know. Finish up the house already. But when I get my $25 Wagner chair from eBay, okay, $34 after shipping, I will have something to post about. Cheap, authentic design isn't easy, you know, unless you're Better Living Through Design (who still has a bigger budget than me). That little link should keep you busy. But come back! I have great news!Guess who is in LaSuperette this year?
If you don't know much about La Superette (and you want to know more!)
follow the link to their catalog from last year. . . off you go!
If you're in the Big Apple, make it out there and look your chance to collaborate with me:
Freshly Sliced Art Prints.
$30 gets you 15 limited edition prints, perforated for easy removal from its cutely packaged and bound home, 5 scented watercolor markers, and the potential for one-of-a-kind art for gifts or the home! If you're nowhere close to NYC, you can always go to etsy!