I know, I know. Finish up the house already. But when I get my $25 Wagner chair from eBay, okay, $34 after shipping, I will have something to post about. Cheap, authentic design isn't easy, you know, unless you're Better Living Through Design (who still has a bigger budget than me). That little link should keep you busy. But come back! I have great news!

If you don't know much about La Superette (and you want to know more!)
follow the link to their catalog from last year. . . off you go!
If you're in the Big Apple, make it out there and look your chance to collaborate with me:
Freshly Sliced Art Prints.
$30 gets you 15 limited edition prints, perforated for easy removal from its cutely packaged and bound home, 5 scented watercolor markers, and the potential for one-of-a-kind art for gifts or the home! If you're nowhere close to NYC, you can always go to etsy!