Is it possible to NOT love these slippers??? Especially since I am in such a warm-and-snuggle-up mood these days. I am eating oatmeal like I'm due for a cholesterol check (yummy Kashi Heart Smart Instant Oatmeal with raisins), quilting galore, and dreaming of this super fun fabric from Springs Industries (same Springs family who owns the dairy barn where we were married and the beach house where we vacationed as kids!) I would love to curl up under these bugs! The great thing about the chilly weather is how our attention is turning back to the house. The mister had the day off from work on Friday and called to say he'd picked up some dining room chairs. I can't remember where I saw it, but I remember someone posting about the Egg Chairs from Wal-Mart. As an aside, I do not shop at Wal-Mart for many reasons, but I have vastly different shopping habits than my nest cohabitor. He found the chairs on clearance for $13, visited 8 different stores (all within our local region, reason #1 for not shopping there: Too big for their britches) and found 3. He got the ones called Walnut, which are, in fact, black (except one is more of an auburn color) and surprisingly sturdy and comfortable. Color me surprised! After work and the next day we visited 3 more stores between Gastonia and Durham (on the way back from visiting Cliff) and found 2 more. One is damaged and was reduced to $5. There you have it: new dining chairs picked out by Hi-C. I don't see them lasting through retirement, but they'll last until we're settled in enough to by Thonet Bentwoods or something equally gorgeous!!