The mister was less than awed by the Ikea chair, so I've been reconsidering. Lo and behold, reading Shelteriffic this early morning, a reader was looking for a table to accompany these chairs. Funny, I have the opposite problem: a table and no appropriate chairs. So off to DWR to check out these cuties, but I am willing to be the old-school design (don't they remind you of the cafeteria chairs from high school??) will appeal to Hi-C, and so will the price: on sale for less than $40!! Now to decide which cheery color would suit us best!
What a neverending process! Must quietly repeat my mantra for decorating sanity, "It doesn't all have to be done right now. It doesn't all have to be done right now. It doesn't all have to be done right now. It doesn't all have to be done right now. It doesn't all have to be done right now. . . . "