everyone is in the spirit

It's etsy week over on Modish, so I won't reinvent the wheel, but you gotta check out those finds, the honest explanations for exploring etsyland, and anything else that may be pitched to you (hint hint, nudge, wink, hint).

Having trouble swimming through the fog of choices? Thanks to the world wide web, shopping from the little shops is so much easier! Even if it's an easy to find, high design item you might get from a fancy schmancy department store, remember, there are small businesses out there selling the same thing.

Let me pile on some more resources: a super easy to navigate site called the Handmade Holiday Hoedown celebrates the indie designer, Design*Sponge has her own giving advice and a store full of goodies you can blindly from blindly and still do no wrong, or pick a thing or two for the tongue in cheek political junkie in your life. Yours truly just added more to my CafePress shop.