goodness me, miscellany!

I just added a typed out email address where you can reach me on the sidebar, when you send a mail you would obviously use the symbols and not the typed-out version!
Also, if you see something on my etsy site that you're interested in, email me. I'll give you a 30% discount when you check out!

in other news:

pssst. . .the word on the street is, HeatherJeany's esty cards are a hot commodity, get 'em while the gettin's good!

Decor8 is back in the USA (from a long and much-envied sojourn in Germany) and is posting like there's no tomorrow. She's got lots of fun household suggestions and generally cute shopping sources. Go there and welcome her home, and if you haven't kept up with the site during her travels, well, there's lots of inspiration to be had from those posts, too!

Look at Abby's felt and cork coasters available at PixelGirlShop and Elsewares.