Here it is, the super cute table runner from World Market. What did I say? True love waits? This was the same one I saw in the store, it was on display under some sort of holiday dining set up, which I assume deterred others from buying it. It waited there for me for 2 or 3 days, and I love it all the more for it! (Though it was $30, I think, which is more than I spend on. . . well, anything, usually.) It found its new home on top of the china hutch.

Ready to revisit the dining room? Here is a before and after:
(If you want to see the after in all its big image glory, click on the pics.)

Here's the rundown:

China Cabinet: $100 eBay), 4 Wal-Mart Chairs $13 each ($52 total), Table $25 (Top was free and replaced the top originally on the base, which I bought from the ReStore for $25), Drinkabutter painting ($25 or $30, I don't remember), teacup candles 49 cents a piece, beadboard mirror $45, Curtains $3.89 each. Grand Total: $270.76, and I'm pretty durn tootin' proud of that!