The veggies are tucked in for a snuggly winter in the garden, I'm pruning the bushes with wild abandon (more on this madness to come!) And baby, its' cold outside. Well, okay, it's 50 degrees F, but it is too chilly to be outside without a jacket. So what have we got goin' on here on Honeymoon Farm? I'm pining for Spring under several layers of blankets, wishing these pictures were representative of current weather. Of all the hot weather bemoaning I did, it doesn't seem like it lasted long enough!

Actually, the non-cold hardy plants are finding their corners, windows, and lamps for the winter. CFL bulbs will help boost the beneficial light. The windows are getting sealed one by one by the husband, I'm drinking hot tea and we're both getting in the spirit by cooking hearty meals of cold season veggies. The first of the collards will be ready in the next couple weeks, probably in time for the American Thanksgiving!
It is also time to go out and stock up on fresh cranberries. Canning your own cranberry sauce is easy and delicious!!
We have moved out of the master bedroom to a smaller room (keeps our messes more confined) and my studio is now the old bedroom. This one finally feels comfortable and inspiring, which is so necessary for a studio. I've rented spaces, used school space, and made-do in spare space in the house, but I've finally found my cave. I got 2 pictures before the camera broke for good (we knew it was going, I didn't want to believe it!). Not great pictures, but at least it is on the path to being organized!!