Lots of bits and pieces

Last purse image, I hope! We'll see how well-received it is, then go from there!

Be sure to check out the articulate philosophies of Lisa Solomon as interviewed on the Design Sponge Guest blog, then you can purchase some of her new work on The Beholder.

Yesterday I posted some fun gardening items on YGG: The Dirt. I wish I could rationalize buying that gardening can. Then today I saw these EcoForms on Hoping for Happy Accidents. Gayla posted about those on The Dirt a while back, too, and the little reminder was welcomed. With such eco-responsibility the rationalization to buy has already been made!

I'm still working on some ideas for a collaboration, but this lady is so busy I don't know if she'll find the time! In the meantime, Heather, all I can do is dream of handmade wallpaper.

Doorprize 4 is still in waiting. Doesn't anybody have a similarly childish sense of humor as mine??

Women's Workplace Wednesday is a new Flickr group, now you have an entire day to plan and snap images of your space in order to get it posted tomorrow!

And last but not least, lest I jinx myself, the sniffles are subsiding thanks to a lot of zinc lozenges and sinus saline spray. If it comes back, I'm getting a neti pot and nipping it in the bud.