What's the deal with this one? Heh heh heh (sinister laughter) it requires a little work: post on your blog a link to my little ol' shop and comment here when you do, with a link
[ use this link: http://justkisseswolfie.blogspot.com/2007/01/blog-post.html ] OR
shoot me a quick email [nobiting at gmail dot com, at and dot are the symbols] with shop feedback: what you'd like to see, what you think of prices, whatever comes to mind when you take a gander. Don't worry, I won't hate you forever if you give productive criticism! Just plain mean remarks, however. . .
You'll be put in a drawing for a box of goodies, some of which are pictured:
Vintage Owl plaque, Strawberry Shortcake Fabric covered mirror, vintage necktie material (never made into a tie, straight off the bolt, it's the striped material you see), 60s floral print material, a vintage table cover, stickers and other goodies!