Repeat after me

We are going to make it through tax time before any purchases or major home investments.
We are going to make it through tax time before any purchases or major home investments.
We are going to make it through tax time before any purchases or major home investments.
We are going to make it through tax time before any purchases or major home investments.

If only I had pictures of what the mister did this weekend! Vast, yet thrifty, improvements on the house. I could even call them sweeping improvements! Here's how it went down: C: Can we get rid of (insert huge purposeless object I've kept because "one day I'll use it"). R (that's me): Yes, but if I get rid of that you have to make a gate or door to keep the dogs out of the dining room. Seems cruel to sanction the house off with dog-ok and dog-prohibited areas, but all of our good dishes and glassware is in the supercool (yet thrifty!) china cabinet. A hundred something odd pounds of puppy mass makes me worry about the life expectancy of fragile objects.

And so Friday night he sectioned off the dining room with hollow-core bifold closet doors that are plain wood and very pretty!

Then, on a Sunday trip to the hardware store for another garden hose, the mister decided that was the day to finish walling off the garage opening, an old, put-on-the-back-burner project that remained mid-construction for 10 months or so, I'd guess. By 7 PM he was done with construction and had the first coat of paint on it! Incredible!

I fiddled away time in the garden, pruning and cleaning it up a little. . . while he, despite some protest due to my own desire to do this, built another raised bed for this year's garden! expansion. Who lit a fire under his bum and will you keep it going please?