Today is one of those gray, snowy-rainy-sleety days that makes winter seem like winter, and has been long anticipated round these parts. But for whatever reason (Seasonal Unaffected Disorder?) I've been drawing shells lately. Well, a shell. The same one, an oyster shell, carrying it around the house, plopping down at will to draw it's layers and topography and wonder at the beautiful calcium growth and the life it had, the time it captured.
I recently finished one of the topography pieces I was working on, I see this body of work slowly making sense. As I posted the image of it to my flickr account, here are the words that came to me:
"ecology is an ongoing theme in my work, from appreciating the smallest details of nature to recycling waste materials into art. this piece is no different. It's a reflection of erosion and the complicated forms of change our environment endures on a daily basis."
These words were written after I read new plans of leasing out drilling rights in Alaska. And all I could do is wonder about what kind of changes we're fostering?
What kinds of changes am I fostering?
So I have an invitation for you, readers: To donate a work of art to a little group effort that will benefit the Sierra Club. Auctions will start February 1 on eBay with enough time to be sold and shipped for Valentine's day presents. Are you up for it? if so, email me: nobiting [at] and I'll give you more info.
Also, don't forget the opportunity to be a part of the Lovely Hearts 2 show!
I'm sure this is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg of giving for me, what are some of your own ideas to instigate change?