Looking for room to breathe. . .

Hmm, have I talked about the issues we've been having with kids cutting through the yard, making the dogs bark at them and subsequently making one terribly grouchy neighbor neighbor bark at us?

Well, the town home owners voted to put up a fence connecting their fencing to ours, totally covering the expenses.


Then, one day, we came home to this vinyl monstrosity. If you look closely enough you can see they moved some of my planters out of the way, since this fence blocks off the shade garden I planted last summer. Behind door number one: all of the ferns I planted, as well as a very expensive, hard to find, beautifully colored hellebore. The thin red line you see is what is approximately the property line. I guess the property manager has a different definition of "a little", as in, "The fence will encroach on the property line a little, but not much."

In stealing the words of aforementioned grouchy neighbor, "I don't want to be a bitch, but. . ."

Hey guys, can I at least get my hellebore back? I bet it got stomped to all hell by the contractors. Cripes, I'm ready to move to the country.

Speaking of which [drum roll] we are now looking at houses that will remove us from the insanity of snotty headedness.