get smart

Yesterday Charlie worked most of the day and I worked on my own stuff here at home.

I'll post another house post (tomorrow?) but to sum it up, there are a lot of checks and balances in place to make sure you don't get stuck in a hairy situation with too much house and not enough $. We bailed on the process before we got to that point.
And considering the large amount of love we both had for that particular house, we've decided to put the whole process on hold for a good while.
You know, recoup from the bad break up, mend our collectively hopeful hearts.

But after a couple days of nagging depression, yesterday was a little better. Part of the house-hunting process was deciding together what we could afford. AFFORD included horrible thoughts like what we could pay in one month if one of us was in the hospital, or if my (very much loved, very old) Volvo wagon needed work.
(The very-loved 345000 mile Volvo seems to be heading for it's own long stay in the car hospital.)
So Hi-C came home from a long day at work and said "Let's go look at the cars in the smart showroom."
Where I replied, "We're not getting a new car today," asking him if he was looking for a dopamine fix after the great house disappointment.
"Okay, no new car. I just want to look," he conceded.

smart fortwo
cars are currently back ordered until 2009. Although, you might catch the random stray someone backed out of.
Like the one we saw yesterday.

Like the one we bought yesterday.
Say hello to dopamine.
Say hello to my new, fuel efficient love.

Well, say hello tomorrow--that's when we go to pick it up.
just call me smartypants.