I "met" Trace through the CFSA local food challenge, and check in on his blog Cricket Bread every once in a while. He's living the life I'd like to live I'm striving towards.
It's a life free from partisan politics, but completely political. One where dollars speak philosophically and compassion is a way of living, rather than the mask of someone running for office.
Anyway, when I saw Be Your Own Hero in his flickr stream, I thought, "That's exactly what the world needs more of!"
The world also needs more urban chickens. . . (which has less to do with Trace, and more to do with my own hankerings).

It's a life free from partisan politics, but completely political. One where dollars speak philosophically and compassion is a way of living, rather than the mask of someone running for office.
Anyway, when I saw Be Your Own Hero in his flickr stream, I thought, "That's exactly what the world needs more of!"
The world also needs more urban chickens. . . (which has less to do with Trace, and more to do with my own hankerings).