Distractions {before the. . .}
The Scoutie Girl Indie Goodness Giveaway is live and ready for you to enter and win. . .go see!
IndieFixx has a MiSpa giveaway this week--ooolala!
I love the scale of all of Heather's work, and the fact that 40% of the proceeds from her sequined hearts goes to Habitat for Humanity International, well, that was the tipping point. I bought one for my soon-to-be niece, who {if all goes well} will join our family in February. Hooray for adoption!
I went to school with Duy Huynh, and I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't agree that a) he is the nicest person ever, b) his art rocks. Now you can get a panel mounted print of some of his sublime paintings through etsy! Perhaps, now this is just a subtle suggestion, you should wait until you can get some of Sandy's jewelry all in one transaction.
{. . .main} Attraction:

Today is the day America. The day to vote and hope and wish and dream; to push a button that symbolizes your ideals. Go on and do it!
These images are some of my most recent flickr faves: 1. Untitled, 2. Get Out the Vote, 3. wisely, please, 4. VOTE!, 5. vote, 6. dear america.
The top images are some of my recent experiments: fabric printed by Spoonflower and my newest print--a collection of things I've found in my back yard.