The Craftland preview party is tonight for a lucky 75 people, and opens to the masses tomorrow, so skeedaddle on up to Rhode Island and get yer bum a shoppin'!

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Leah DeVun
called me up a couple weeks ago to chat about Peer. She wrote up a real nice story about our conversation and you can read all about it here on the VenusZine website!

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Ti----iiiime is on your side. . .but only for 27 more days! Calendars are available and so are a few other goodies, and each package shipping out these days is chock full of surprises! So, let's recap: Wolfie and the Sneak Calendar +stocking stuffers? What are you waitin' on?? Go get 'em!
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Plus, only 2 more of these wildly popular floral print sets in fantastic colors inspired by vintage maps.

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plus a little random note of adoration: I love The Office. (Although it will never replace Arrested Development. Fun and Failure start out the same way.) I've also learned that I love Office. Too bad actual office work isn't nearly so elegant or entertaining.