puttin' my crafty cap on

Last week there were 3 or 4 incredible rocking chairs on Craigslist. This week they're all gone. Whattup Craigslist? Throw the preggie-lady a bone, please! Something with a high back, comfortable design and good lookin' structure. Oh yeah, and make it under $100. I know that's not too much to ask, cause we sure as hell don't get no breaks with this no drinking, minimal coffee business.
Upside? No period for 9 months.
Downside? Hmmm. . . pushing a bowling ball out of my vaj (vag? vage?) hole.
In the meantime, I'm bloating up a bit and wondering what clothes are going to still fit in a couple weeks.
I'm also thinking of all the fun things I can make (and projects, like the yo yo quilt I started 2 years ago, that I should really try and finish) that would be great additions to the growing list of things we'll need.