I'm expecting a couple books from Chelsea Green this week: Perennial Vegetables, Edible Forest Gardens, and Build Your Own Earth Oven. These are all to aid me in my Permaculture Design Practicum. . .and while I know it will be a fun learning experience overall, so much educational material seems a little dull to me.
Instead I think I'd rather read Dooce's It Sucked and Then I Cried: How I Had a Baby, a Breakdown, and a Much Needed Margarita, which seems more up my alley as I experience the day-to-days of pregnancy. {Hello. Weird little thing growing in my uterus that looks more like a person every week, crazy hormones, fatigue and a generally different feeling altogether.} I think a breakdown and a margarita are both in order after pushing a little kid out into the world. Is that so bad?