back to earth. . .

Saturday, before going to work on one of the grant gardens, I made it over to the UNCC Plant sale. I didn't buy much, $35 worth of plants (including $9 on purple hyacinth bean vines), but I also got there fairly late and it was a cash or check only type event. All of the plants were natives, except the hyacinth beans, and may or may not end up at the Peace Garden at the Raptor Center.

Depends on how selfish I'm feeling, I suppose. [Apparently feeling somewhat selfish because between starting this post on Monday, and finishing it up today*, I've already planted the 2 clumps of spiderwort I bought.]

For others in the area heavy with plant lust, it's time again for the Winghaven Plant Sale (see the complete list of available plants).

*Thanks to the Sneak Peeks on Design*Sponge, I've been 100% sucked into Beauty Everyday. It's made posting here fairly difficult. . .my words seem dull and unenlightened.

I guess in true hippie spirit, I'm obligated to wish you all a Happy Earth Day! Which feels more like a co-opted by Wal Mart/Hallmark holiday this year than a day to educate and foster awareness of our precious environment. Maybe that's all the TV I've been watching? Either way, I'm very thankful for the deep rewards of getting dirt under my nails, constantly learning to reduce (then reuse, then recycle), and still think today is a great day to look for small changes that can make W&tS-world have a lighter impact on the world around us.

PS--Please tell me you signed up for the recipe/garden swap!! Well, did you?