imagination wednesday

Toys like this are years away for us in Sneakville (but now that I think about it, C and I would probably pretend we're camping out in the living room every weekend), but Helicopter Studios' toys are just what I have in mind for Junior/Juniorette a few years down the line. Imaginative, creative, and mighty nice to look at. And yep! they'll be at the Handmade Market this weekend!

I've added a few new prints to the shop. These are the ones that I've made to take to the Handmade Market (did I mention it's this weekend?) While C is busy printing up some beauts of his own.

In the meantime, I'm halfway through the year of seasons and have them available as posters and 8 x 10 prints. Summer, you have to admit, is pretty dern summery, oui?

And an obsessively patterned owl, colored in Photoshop, surrounded by a magical starry sky, to adorn your walls. His shamanistic wisdom and kind and joyful eyes are ready to brighten a cloudy day or transfix an overly busy mind.