It's 9 AM and I'm starving. I've already had a small salad, a deviled egg, and now am about to munch down on some buttery, garlicky asparagus and plain jasmine rice. It's still cold from the refrigerator (sorry microwave, I'm just not that into you) but it's tasty.

That was the start of yesterday's post, not exactly the best blog fodder. . .I'm having quiet days lately, sleepy and anxious, tired and feeling overworked, but with feet that won't stop moving to take a break.

I'm learning a lot about myself these days and trying to work on those things I figure out. All the racing thoughts make it hard to pick up a camera (much less a pen to draw) or find bits of life to write about without being too dull or too raw.

But right now I want sushi and a chocolate cupcake.

Have a happy weekend friends! What do you have planned?