Random Bits of Tuesday

Gayla has an article in Breathe Magazine this month. I'd never heard of it, but checked it out and they've got a lot of Charlotte, NC mentions. . .who woulda known?

Roaming around their site, I found these bamboo sun glasses by Kayu. If I had an extra $180 to spend, they'd be mine, but I can't keep up with a $10 pair of sunglasses, so these will just have to remain a far off dream. One extra special feature of them? For every pair of glasses purchased, KAYU sponsors one sight-restoring surgery in the developing world. $180 suddenly seems like a steal!

Later on today, some couples in California may have the right to call themselves married again. Seems kind of ridiculous to me that we can't all share a word (not to mention the actual institution), and hopefully we can all get beyond the religious uppity-ness that divides love into right and wrong. I guess I mean "we" as the state by state struggle it has been so far because I'm not sure NC is widely ready for such a progressive idea as basic civil rights.

As a part of a straight couple, you can voice your support in many ways. Me and my Mr. left the country to tie the knot as our own small way of not supporting what the US all too widely claims as the norm. Even getting married in a state where love and marriage are synonymous and the powers that be don't delineate the sanctity of legal bonds according to the details of intimacy can be an act of support. Or get familiar with all the legal loops and hoops unmarried, but committed, couples must jump through in order to have some basic rights like hospital visits should their loved ones end up there.

Off the soap box, crossing fingers and waiting to see what happens in the next couple hours. . .how's your week so far, friends? What are you looking forward to?