We've had a few handfuls of herbs, Swiss chard, beans and peas straight off the plants, and plenty of basil (already!). We've had fresh baby onions and garlic, which is not mature, but I decided to "sacrifice" one to see how it was going. There are tomatoes weighting the plants down, which have already outgrown the cages and the subsequent metal stakes we bought to secure them in the upright position. They're mutinying, approaching the 6 foot mark with gusto, chuckling at the thought that a 4 foot tall pole would keep them contained.

A few people already have ripened tomatoes, but I've been slow this year (and every other year) so maybe I'll have tomatoes long after others' plants are done.

And that, aside from dreaming up a spiffy new bedroom plan, seems to be about all I'm doing these days. First things first might just be boxing up all the clothes that probably won't fit me for a while. . .not fun.

Any good room ideas or suggestions? We're going for relaxing, vintage modern vibe--but I'm not against something bold and funky, so long as it's not disturbing to the general feel of the room. Anybody?? Help!