Et voila!

It was a long weekend here in the US, so we got around to the finishing touches of the front hallway, only to make it a mess all over again. It's a 5 x 5 room, so it's terribly difficult to get any good pics of, so pardon the hacked together panorama--The chair is in there until the dining room gets put back together, the closet is clean and organized, ready for winter coats, and I put up 2 small pieces of art: one from Jess Gonacha (the seahorse) and the other from Lab Partners. While the navy rug is sort of a "black hole" in the space, it definitely collects the dirt and dust from the dogs and the saw dust from the next room over (ahem...).

Which is where we spent the rest of the holiday weekend. Charlie braved ripping up the top layer of plywood while me and the big belly sat back and coached, scooting him out of the way for interludes of construction clean up. We keep the big paper bags from dog food for heavy trash that the biobags won't hold, and luckily we had 4 extra--now totally full from the de-construction debris. (Isn't that what you wanted to see first thing Monday morning? A big pile of trash?)

This room was carpeted, but when an ex-boyfriend was plotting the big break up, he brought me 2 kittens from a feral litter (both of which were named The Sneak: Sneaky Sneaky Freak Show and Sneaky Sneaky Freak Face) that took to using the carpet as their litter box. I think the cats were something of a consolation prize, but in reality, they ended up being a much better match for me. While the Sneaks thought they were being considerate (no changing of the litter box for me), it didn't take long before the carpet had to go and I was left with a plywood floor room. A mere 5 years later, and we've got some solid red oak strip flooring coming our way (tomorrow!!).

We won't put it in until next weekend. I've been studying up on laying hardwood flooring, and read that solid wood floors need to be in the environment where they'll be installed for 5 days in order to adjust to humidity and temperature. The wood will shrink and expand slightly with humidity changes, so this will keep them from either bowing or having large gaps between the boards. Anyone done this before? Any tips to bestow upon the flooring ignorant?

Hopefully you had a more entertaining weekend than we did? What sort of celebratin' did you do?