ketchup catch up and the world's smallest fish fry

My new routine is to leave work, go walk 3-4 miles, and when I get home I pick the ripe veggies (mostly tomatoes). I'm almost to the point where I can freeze or can some, I'm not sure which I'll do, but I like to have a good stock of sauce for the winter. . .and several ice cube trays of pesto for the months we're craving all the freshness summer has to offer.

Last night I cut up 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers (from the farmer's market--I didn't plant any cukes this year) and doused them in Newman's Light Vinaigrette for a super tasty, cheater's salad.

Since I'm on the topic of easy food, we've also had zucchini pancakes twice this season. The first time was when Kris, our magical gardening neighbor, gave us on the size of a bat. Usually zucchini (or any summer squash) that reaches the point of monstrosity turns bitter and tough, so I peel and seed them, then turn them into pancakes. Bat sized=monstrosity.
Then one of my bosses at work brought some (slightly smaller than bat sized) in and I took 2 home. The first one automatically became pancakes, but I still have the 2nd. Turns out, when sampling the goods while making the 2nd batch, those particular ones were crisp and slightly sweet, just like you want a zucchini to be--so maybe the next one will be enjoyed in all it's full-flavored glory.

But the pancakes: if you miss a day picking the produce from your garden and you, too, end up with a freshly picked caveman's club, I basically follow the instructions linked above.
First, peel and seed the zucchini. I also chunk up an onion and 2 cloves of garlic, add a little salt and pepper and sometimes even some sort of yummy cheese. If you have a good blender or a food processor process it to a pulp, then set aside in a sieve with a plate (and maybe a can for extra weight) to drain. This last time I just poured it into muslin and squeezed all the liquid out. That worked really well. After it's lost a lot of that moisture, stir in the corn meal. I've used wheat flour in the past, but the corn meal gives them a nice texture and hush puppy flavor.

Then just cook 'em up like you do breakfast pancakes. Might I suggest serving them with tomato cucumber salad? (Or maybe something a little more dessert-ish?)

And since I skimped on sharing baby fish photos yesterday, I sat outside in the 90+ degree heat, sweating like a pregnant hog just to capture a few pics of the little ones. Like I said, they're teeny tiny, spastic and shy, so my photos didn't come out great, but you can see a few of them here.