Coloring over the gray

Today it's gray and rainy--so I'm injecting a little color into the morning.

One of the {many} wonders of online connections are how symbiotic they can become. I don't remember how I first met Sweet Jessie {was it seeing my sailboat print framed online?} but once I found her blog I've been hooked on the pretty creations she makes, all with just the right dose of girly vintage. And now? Be still my beating heart, she's made scalloped fabric garlands--and you know how much I like scalloping! And look! You can get one on etsy if you act fast!

When I was drawing the mountainscapes, I couldn't help but think of Kristen's {aka Mood Swing Studio} candy colored necklaces and how they seem to drip into a puddle of beauty. Word has it that as this hot Summer changes to Fall, Kristen is doing a little revamping of her own. I can't wait to see what the future holds! . . .And speaking of acting fast, her work never lingers around in the shop, so if there is one calling your name, I can't begin to express that you need. to. get. it. then. or suffer in remembrance of the one that got away.

Also, the Modern Economy sale is today! Starting at noon, you can shop their online selection {on the sale website: here}. I think I've mentioned about half of the peeps participating in this sale here on ye olde bloggy. It's gonna be good. Real good.