Fine Crystal

Remember this purchase from so long ago?

Here's my Allyson Mellberg Taylor Crystal Deery at home.

I'd been on the lookout for a reasonably priced cloche, dug around for one at the thrift stores and just never found one for a price I was happy with.

A few months ago I bought an over sized outdoor candle holder lantern from CB2 that is just the right size for the job. It's pretty tall, though, so Crystal Deery needed a little boost-a height.

A quick scour of the house and I found my moms old spool holder filled with a lovely assortment of threads and voila! Crystal Deery found a new environment to live in.

I know it changes the concept and intention of the deer. . .especially since I consider it a piece of art rather than a plush, so now I'm wondering if an empty, simple cloche would've been the right choice.

But I like it. I like the environment, I loved getting to play with it and rearrange everything until it was just so, and I love looking at it on a daily basis.

In other news, over on my facebook page {not sure if that link will take you there?} people are taking a guesses about Mabel's arrival date. The 3 closest guessers will win a 2010 calendar. . .so go ahead! Guess my date! {Leaving your guess in the comments section is a-ok, too!}