time has come today. . .(no, not for baby)

The days are getting slower, waiting for the big one, the day where we meet Mabel.
The good thing about being here at the end is that it's difficult to lay down--which means a lot of sitting in the recliner busying myself. . . by drawing!
I have 5 months of 2010 complete, which is phenomenal considering a week ago I was thinking there wouldn't be a calendar this year.

Here they are, folks, the first 3 months finished and unveiled {no, I don't do them in order. . .I just do them as the inspiration comes}. They're up and available in both the etsy shop and the bigcartel shop.

Later today I'll post my last Modish Petals and Pedals until the springtime. . . it's time to concentrate on a different sort of sprout, one that should be here in about 2 weeks?
They always say the first one is usually late, though, so you can start sending good have-that-baby thoughts my way at any time now. She may take a little extra urging.