ICE in the forecast for HotLanta this weekend

ICE is coming, ICE is coming! And that means several very enticing things: 1) You can make it a handmade holiday and not even step foot in a mall. 2) You can get your holiday shopping done before Black Friday, saving you and all your loved ones from the bruises that accompany the hoards forking over credit cards in honor of Jesus' birthday. 3) You can have fun and still feel merry by the time all the holiday hoo-ha is over. Fill up your wallet with cash, load up the car, stick the ol' faithful Vanilla Ice tape in the deck, and head on down to AmbientPlus Studio for 100 makers ready to make your shopping experience a happy one!

a: There's a spot in my heart just the right size for the pop and shorty scrabble poster.
b: Perfectly adorable, nostalgic wares by the Small Object are not just for kids.
c: Jeanette Zeis' cake stand is a sweet treat for the eyes.
d: xo elle, I xo your bow ties!

e: Microwave girl's grill greeting: hilarious. What? Do I have something in my teeth?
f: Blueeyedfreckle's head bands are deeee-vine.
g: Avie--not too sweet (and definitely not too shabby) baby announcements.
h: Glue and Glitter's lunch kits have been on my lust list for quite some time. (Ahem. Charlie. Are you out there reading this??)
i: Who wouldn't want to open a book and find an adorable bookmark friend by L is for Lemonade smiling back at them?
j: Everything mogo is adorable. Seriously, you guys. Seriously.

Fernworks' found object jewelry=stunning. Get thee to Atlanta. Stat.

And in other friendly news. . .
Jena opened a vintage clothing shop. Go check out Miss Modish now (and check out all the cute styling she did--appropriate hair for each outfit? So fancy!)
Kiona is having a giveaway--go and help her out, get a chance to win!
And a new-to-me site:
Rifle {perfection, right?}

Happy weekend folks. What do you have in store?