Tag, You're it!

While I was off bringing a little Mabel into the world, I started a few different blog posts but never finished them. Distracted barely begins to describe my new state of mind. . .but one thing I did finish (well, actually 2 things) were some gift tags based on the designs from the calendar. I turned them into PDFs, printable on 8 1/2 x 11 paper to tie onto packages, or print them on sticky paper and turn them into sticker tags!

I've posted them in my etsy shop for people that don't read this here fine blog o' mine, but for blog readers you can get 'em for free!

To download the pdf of the holiday tags, click here.
To download the everyday tags, click here.
And if you're baking up a storm for holiday treats, why not share the recipe on one of the free recipe cards I've made available as a pdf as well?