A few days ago I lost my cool and waged war on the dust bunny pit also known as our living room. We have a lot of crap crammed into that room, and it was time to start parting with the clutter otherwise rationalized as collections. When not rationalized, the "collections" are merely pieces of junk we keep for sentimental reasons that hold no aesthetic value. Included in said junk was a painting of mine that was about 4' x 5' and housed many many layers of paint and even more memories; ghostly memories that held no place in the present. The painting came down and I put it out at the street with a free sign. It sat there for 3 days and I have a feeling the trash men took it away this morning. I put a lot of work into that beast, a lot of time and even a few tears and it was time for it to go.
But the ghost has left a big blank wall, a hole of possibility to fill and a perfect spot for a new piece of art. Anyone out there have a suggestion of an artist that could fill the spot? {The two artists above were ones I found on Enormous Tiny Art.}