Not feelin' the work week ahead {aka gimme back my weekend}

For anyone else out there that thinks Mondays would be easier if Michael Bluth were their boss, Happy Bluth Monday!

"Take a 3 minute break."

We had a great weekend, filled with projects and an evening with friends {which doesn't happen often now that we have M in a sleep routine--home by 8, in bed by 8:30!}

There was a little bit of painting, a little bit of the ol' renovation work, making the chicken coop taller for the sake of neighborhood relations {and to prevent "flying the coop" any longer}, and a pile of laundry just slightly dwarfed by Machu Picchu.

I know, not the most creative Monday post, but I'm feeling a little phlegmy and daydreaming of Vicks Vap-o-Rub and soup; particularly a tofu-d up version of this soup (veggie broth instead of chicken broth and firm pressed tofu instead of the chicken=YUM.)