Projections for 2010

Just in case you a little motivation to get one, we've got 5 calendars left!

Slowly the planties {hee hee, sounds like panties, but I was referring to the plant lovers of the world in a foodie sort of way} of the internet world spill the beans, they're planning their gardens I've got seeds coming out the wazoo, so I'm largely ignoring the catalogs that have started pouring in, and we don't celebrate Valentine's Day per se around our house since we have 2 wedding anniversaries that sandwich that other icky sweet day--a time which has amalgamated into what we lovingly call our Valiversary. rather than falling prey to pink hearts and romanced-up specialty chocolates this time of year. That leave me dreaming of a soil blocker, as praised by Anarchy in the Garden, and maybe a pair of Felco pruners, as suggested by Heavy Petal.Of course, Grow Great Grub is coming out right around then, too.

One small thing:
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