Charlie and I are raising our kids on this very road, so I spent a large portion of my free time in 2017 fighting it. To be honest my fight hasn't gotten us very far and has been very bad for my physical health. What was a 5 day a week gym habit in 2016 became 2 work outs a week in 2017. Weight gain from convenience foods and stress added to the reality that I couldn't keep up the pace. Also what I've realized is that the low, looming, grey fog of depression has been casting its shadow over me for months now.
It's just a road, so why? I (we, really, there's a group of us) entered the fight thinking that if we could sway our local politicians to see the downside of this plan then we could successfully negotiate a better design. We approached from all angles: homeowners personal, emotive experiences, the possibility of businesses being hurt, and the facts from the NCDOT documents themselves. Each time we were dismissed, always by NCDOT, usually by the former mayor, sometimes by members of town council. Still we did our best to focus on productivity and fact-finding.