a lazy weekend

Top o' the Monday to ya!

We had big plans to put new flooring down in the kitchen, but the tiles didn't come in, so that's going to have to wait for another weekend. {Gotta love a good excuse to procrastinate!} We're going with Armstrong's Gentian Blue and (a name I can't remember) white checkerboard, and once that's finished we're going to replace the counter tops with butcher block.

We've got old white painted steel and glass cabinets, which are space age awesome, but some of the glass has broken over time and is near impossible to match. Instead we're thinking of using an oiled luan that will match the counters, with an over sized circle cut out to open and shut them. I see it in my mind as clean and modern, but I also wonder if it could come out looking really trailer trashy bad.

Speaking of trashy bad---well, not trashy, but bad. And hilarious.

Instead of all that fancy housework, we got Mabel back on schedule with her sleep, a task far greater and far more rewarding than new floors. For real.

How 'bout you? What did the weekend hold in store?

A few blogs I sopped up like gravy on a biscuit this past weekend:
are so happy * janae hardy * kristina sostarko * veja cecilia

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