Homemade Bone Meal, a Crunch Feely How-To

We are a meat eating household, but after my long-term veganism I'm still not entirely comfortable handling meat. I also find myself extremely aware of meat use and waste. Bone broth is a natural follow-up to a meat heavy meal, and a great way to further value a meat purchase. It wasn't until last week though, that  during a bone broth making session, I had a huge DUH moment. Usually, after the broth, the bones would go in the trash. Rarely, if I'm especially organized and on top of hippie chores, I'd get another batch of bokashi going.

Why not take the bones and make bone meal for the garden?

I felt like it was great way to further honor the meat-eating choice we make. I'd see what the process is like and maybe add it to the arsenal of Permaculture approaches we use. The bones are high in calcium and phosphorous, so "waste" seemed to be a terrible fate for them. Plus they come out after a long broth simmer so much more brittle than before going in, so I figured it would be easier on the blades of the blender. 

One more way to use what we have. 

I looked homemade bone meal up on the internet, and apparently I'm not so brilliant. Lots of search returns came up. I followed the instructions on Chiot's Run since I've been reading her blog for a while and know she knows what she's doing. 

Here's the long and the short of it:

  • After making bone broth, separate the bones from the meat. I made another quick broth for the dogs to really clean the bones, but I think a quick rinse would be fine, too,  
  • Dry the bones in the oven on a low temperature. I think I did mine on about 200 F for about 2 hours, mixing them around in the pan once or twice to make sure they all dried. 
  • Throw them in a not-too-precious but hardworking blender, put the top on, and pulse away. I used the ice setting. It took a while to get them to powder form because these were wild hog bones and were stronger than chicken bones (which I find usually just fall apart after making broth). 

Again and again

"Adding bits and pieces back into the bedroom. How do you even have a grown up bedroom when kids pretty much make every room "lived in"?"

I don't know how many times I've reworked my bedroom since starting this blog. It's a lifelong goal, I guess, because I can remember rearranging my bedroom as a young girl, removing all the drawers from the antique dresser, sitting on my butt, and scooting the dresser across the floor by pushing with my legs, using all my might.

"The long and slow process of finding bedding I like."

We've had 3, maybe 4? and not including the times the mattress was on the floor, beds. Green walls, taupe walls, tan walls, navy walls...a multitude of arrangements and changes in rooms. Once I get started on thinking about the room, the vibe I want, I fixate. Lately I've been taking some time right before bed to read books of my own interest, then read to and with M, and for some reason that got me thinking about nice comfy pillows for sitting up in bed to read.

I've been using pieces of fabric to see which colors or textures I like. I've made 2 sets of euro pillow covers then ended up buying a set of tan ones from Ikea (which are more like a place holder than there for the duration).

"Draping fabric to decide on a long lumbar pillow. Bedtime reading comfort is a new priority."

We now have Sherwin Williams Blue Peacock walls, which is really way more green than blue; perhaps Teal Peacock is a better name. The bedding is a mix of Pottery Barn outlet sheets (Rosie Dot, which are organic but stiff and crunchy even after washing), a cotton and linen blend quilt from Target (far prettier in person),  giant dusty blush throw from Target, and the tan euro pillow covers from Ikea.

I found an old camp blanket in the giant truckload of fabric we inherited from Charlie's grandma that perfectly matches the throw. I want to make it into an extra long lumbar pillow...except that I'm just so tired of DIY projects. The satisfaction of "I made that" seems to have dulled and I feel like I won't value the pillow if I make it. I'll constantly be on the lookout for something more sophisticated. Of course, the other pillows I love, the ones that I would buy if I could, are around $200 (!?!?!!!) and are an impossibility.

How do those home bloggers do it? It's been 10 years and I still haven't pulled the bedroom together, much less over a weekend. Do you ever feel like DIYing a solution doesn't maintain the same value as a purchased option?